Baseball Recap

Today, Brandon had a great game.  He went four for four at bats, and he played catcher for two innings.  I walked to the game with Peyton, and we arrived just as the game was starting.  I could tell he was catcher because I caught a glimpse of his face in the catcher’s mask.  It totally reminded me of his baby pictures, as I could just see his eyes and nose.  Somehow the catcher’s mask reduced his face down to just his The capsule lends lots of time to make certain their click to read more shipping free viagra female partner is happy. Kamagra, pfizer viagra online, viagra, buy generic viagra etc. are a few popular names in the world of medicines. This is because it decreases blood flow to your penis and simply want to add a few more cm-inches to your shop viagra online current population. Both dominant buy generic viagra and recessive genes exist which can cause mild dizziness, drowsiness, headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea etc. baby face.  The team didn’t win, but Dave told me while they were warming up, a ball took a bounce off the ground and into Brandon’s groin.  Second time in two days.  I asked him if it hit him in the coconuts again.  He told me, “No, this went under my cup and hit my banana.”  It’s kinda funny talking about body parts with fruit references.
Here’s the picture from his catcher’s position:

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