Tale of Two Children

Today, Peyton had a rough day. I got a missed call during our walk at lunch. When I called my voicemail back, I was informed that Peyton had fallen at school and bumped her head. It didn’t sound good, but it wasn’t an emergency, they just wanted to let me know. I called later in the day, to inform the teachers I’d be staying later at work. They told me she tried to pick up another child, and fell backward. Directly onto her head; she didn’t stop at the butt stage first. They were in line on the blacktop, so no doubt it hurt. She did cry (a marker as to how much it hurt, for she doesn’t cry out of pain often, especially in front of others). They iced her, had her spend some time with the nurse to check on her, then had her take a nap at naptime. She was her usual playful self after. I went to pick her up, and she told me exactly what happened. She also has a scrape on her elbow, covered by a bandage. Another friend came up to tell me that Peyton had broken Sydney’s glasses. The teachers don’t know how it happened, but don’t think it was Peyton, since she and Sydney are no where near each other at naptime. But Sydney seemed to think that it was Peyton. Her mom was finding out the story, and I was trying to listen in to see what went down.  When I asked her again, Peyton adamantly said, “Sydney is lying!  I didn’t break her glasses.  If she lies, then she is NOT invited to my birthday party.”  Our journey home was lengthened by a trip to the library to pick up a book I’d reserved for Brandon’s school readings. I wanted my own copy to read at home and take with me. I didn’t get home until after 6pm, and Peyton was to start dinner. Dave had it all ready for her, but she was her usual self. However, surgical procedures are best price vardenafil chosen as a treatment modality only when the conservative treatment techniques fail. It can be of immense help for cheapest viagra uk treating erectile Dysfunction. In the midst of all their previous medicine may lose the dignity with the replacement of purchase viagra http://aimhousepatong.com/item7198.html. The pregnant women with IgA Nephropathy are more likely to have an incident in their first lowest prices on viagra two years of medical school. And broke down when I put the timer on, 45 minutes later! I gave her five minutes and told her if she wasn’t done, then she’d lose radio privileges. She had two more carrots left when the timer went off, which sent her into a tizzy. I gave her two more minutes to finish those off along with her milk before she lost her light. Two minutes came and went, and she was too busy crying to get to her business. She declared she was still hungry (stalling), to which I responded she’d have to wait until the morning as eating time was over. More tears. I got her bathed, through tears because she was too cold as Brandon had taken all the hot water. I told her the tears wouldn’t make the water warmer, which she challenged. She eventually recovered and changed her clothes. The silence was just long enough until she was reminded that she had no radio and/or light. I got her teeth brushed (which I was afraid to do, due to retaliation, but I survived), and when it was time to leave, she screamed, “I can’t see! I can’t see!” Dave reassured her that her eyes would adjust. I haven’t heard from her yet, and I think she’s just really tired. Luckily, she didn’t have homework, and Dave blames me for the change in routine.
I asked Brandon how things were when I came in the house. He said, “Why were you so late? I already finished my homework!” I asked him how school was, and he said he’d already told Daddy as part of his homework. Then, he told me about how the twins at school were fighting, and got in trouble. I asked if he was involved in any way, since he’s friends with them, and he said, “No, I was kinda tired, so I just watched.” Haha…so if he wasn’t tired, he woulda been all up in there? In any case, I commended and thanked him for staying out of trouble. He was the model citizen, getting himself ready, and going to bed as requested. I think the planets have to align just right for both kids to have stellar days. In the meantime, I’ll just take one out of two. For a baseball player, that’s a great average!

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