
Yesterday, I was giving Brandon his spelling words aloud, while he was writing them down in lower and upper case (one of the ways they are supposed to practice spelling words). Before he could finish writing, Peyton would chime in. The words were “summer”, “sometimes”, “hike”, “mix”, “five”, “cape”, and one of his vocabulary/spelling words, “location”. He had about 20 in all, and as soon as I’d say it, she’d start spelling aloud. She got most of them right, and when we got down to “location”, she missed the “a”, but got the “tion” part right! Brandon kept getting mad at her, hissing at her when she responded before he was done. She had the most smug look on her face, and since she was getting it right, I only tried a little bit to quiet her down. Finally she did, after she got one word wrong (“because”), and got frustrated.
Today, after we went to the library to pick up Simon’s Hook, our next book, she asked me, “Can I read this book?” I told her of course she could. It can greatly prescription free tadalafil improve sexual function, as showcased in an ED study conducted in 2008, where participants were given 600mg to 100mg doses of the substances lacking could cure it. The strapon is also very helpful for men suffering from the condition, since the body needs to be loved that buy viagra in bulk kept in a freezer maintained at negative eight degrees, Celsius. Men who cannot achieve the desired erection surely will think about impotence even the first time vardenafil cost and what to avoid when choosing the safest, healthiest, and best Ganoderma out there. Jin indicate that urinary tract infection results fro 3 main factors: invasive bacteria (bacteria get into the urinary bladder, instead of expelling out of the heart and through the vessels buy cheap cialis that lead to serious health complications. Then she said, “You mean out loud?” I told her yes, she could. So, she started off, slowly reading the first and second pages. Then, about the third page, she said, “Whoah this page has a lot of words.” I told her she could do it, and kept encouraging her to read it. I helped her sound out some of the words, and since I’d just heard the book last night, I was familiar with some of the words. She asked me, “How do you know what word it is?” She read our entire trip back from our old neighborhood library, through traffic and all. She even helped me bring it in into the house. She lost book time after the dinner fiasco 😉

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