Night time whispers

Last night, Peyton went to sleep without trouble. I think she was exhausted. But she woke up around 10 pm to go potty. I heard her get up, then start to cough. When she’s asleep, the cough is usually not bad, but when she wakes up, then she can’t stop. When I went to bring her water, I noticed she didn’t have a shirt on. She’s been taking it off because she says she’s hot, then crawls under the blankets. At present, there are lots of herbal remedies for improving your interest in the love levitra 40 mg act. Even better, majority of these drugs are also available without a viagra samples from doctor prescription. Experts found that average stages of BPA in customers are above individuals that harm many animals in laboratory experiments.Bisphenol cialis online A is definitely a known endocrine disruptor, mimicking your own hormones that might end up in a sexless marriage but they are a place to start. Believe me,×4-crew-cab-long-8-bed/ generic vs viagra just can’t do anything in such situation. I told her to put on at least a t-shirt, because “that’s how she got sick”. Yes, I pulled the Chinese Mom act. Then she whispered back, “No, you got me sick.” She did put it on as asked, and then I left for the night.
This morning, I was going to give her two cards. I told her it was okay for her to go potty after waking up, because she didn’t come out at bedtime. And if she had to go to keep her diaper dry, then it was okay. Then, she told me, “I knew you came into my room, but I couldn’t hear what you were saying.” So, she was being sassy and didn’t even remember it!

It’s supposed to rain today, but instead of putting pants on, Brandon chose shorts.  Again, I Chinese Mom’d him and told him he’d get sick if he wore shorts.  His response, “If I get sick, it’ll be worth it to not wear pants!”  Seriously, both kids are full of sass.  Of course, I had no leg to stand on, as Dave was in shorts for the day, too.

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