
This morning, on the way to school, Brandon told me his teacher was teaching “4+4+C, which equals 8C.”  I corrected him that it would be 8 + C, not 8C.  He thought for a second, then said, “Okay, got it.”  I asked him, “What if C was 1, what would your answer be?”  He said then the answer would be 9.  Then, I asked, “What if C was 8?”  Form the ancient ages, purchase cheap cialis is used with a great source of energy for a hard erection. Customers can also get a 10% discount when talking to the customer care executive simply by mentioning the free sample of cialis word potential in their call. Be optimistic Optimistic people live happier, healthier lives, and are capable to efficiently cope with traumatic situations levitra without prescription and contribute in more physical activity than pessimistic persons. Hence for erection and maintaining the erection purpose the other drug called as viagra online prices can also be used. He thought a little bit longer, then said, “Oh, 16.”  I laughed and told him he was doing algebra!  He repeated it, “Algebra?!” then laughed.   Then, I thought to myself that maybe he’s going to bypass my math skills sooner than I think.  I was going to tap out at analytical geometry/trigonometry, since I’d struggled with calculus in high school, but at this rate, he’ll get there soon enough.

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