Busy Saturday

Dave got up and went to baseball batting practice. Only, he left Brandon at home. This was Brandon’s rest day, since he didn’t want to go, and Dave didn’t want to force him. So I tried to clean up and do laundry this morning, while both kids watched cartoons. They kept each other busy with Monster’s Inc while I showered up. I was just packing up our things for Matteo’s party at MSI when Dave returned. Actually, I was heading out to get mail and was going to leave the kids alone when Dave came in. At least he didn’t come in to find me NOT there, since he would’ve wondered how long I had been gone for. We headed up to Dave’s work (he’s having to go in last week, this and next week at least). He did his thing while I had the kids in a corner area of the office. Brandon was writing sentences for running off at the mouth earlier in the day, while Peyton was bothering him. I was trying to distract her without giving her my phone. It worked, as Dave was done within 25 minutes. We then headed for lunch in RWC, where the Color Run was just ending. There were racers all over the place, with multicolored chalk all over. We then headed over to MSI and ended up right behind Carolyn. We followed her in, and Brandon kept writing, while Peyton and I went to help set up. Soon, kids started to arrive. The big group of 20 split up into two. The first part had the kids looking in buckets of bay invertebrates, rotating in 4 sub-groups. Peyton and Brandon were the same subgroup, but it may have been better to split them up. The MSI docents are used to large groups, so some parents took off. I couldn’t leave them, though each of them would have been fine alone. Peyton was more vocal because she was there with Brandon, but they just can’t get along in a small group. We were there to referee. Actually, the docent needed some adult volunteers, so we stepped in when asked. Peyton and Roy Roy bonded from last week, and I enlisted her help in getting him to follow directions. She took her job sorta seriously, and saved places for him in line whenever they were asked to line up. They then went to another room, and they explored some more fish there. Finally, the two groups met up at the big fishing net. After some coordination, the two sides pulled the net into the shore. Dave went out to help put the net in the water, and the rest of the adults helped the kids pull in the loot. They got a bunch of fish, which the kids were instructed to cup their hands and carry back to the bucket. They had a few rounds of that, and there were sea squirts, and Peyton got a crab! Finally, we washed the kids’ hands and then had snacks, sang and had cake. We helped clean up and bring gifts back to the car, then headed home.
Here are the pictures from our event. I forgot to take cake pictures; we helped pass stuff out, but there were a few cute moments with Peyton and Roy, and then Brandon and Roy. Both kids really take to younger kids. Peyton wished for a little sister, but she would do fine with a little brother, too. We’ll just have to borrow from other families 🙂

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Then, the second fave picture is the picture of the kids over the shark tank.  It looks like they are bobbing for apples.  They were told to keep their hands behind their backs.

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