Another Busy One

This morning started when I got up to run 5 miles.  I made it home within the hour to then head out to the Farmer’s Market, then up to Family day at SFO.  We went last year, though this year, we got there a little early.  We got our wristbands without problems, but had to wait our turn in line.  Once the venue opened, the line moved fairly quickly.  Our first stop was to go to the airport fire truck (or as Brandon used to say when looking through his vehicle book, “O port fire truck.”)  The kids got to take a picture in the front of the truck.  Then, we headed to the old plane, and then the cockpit tour.  The kids picked up some popcorn, and then played a few carnival games.  We’d already eaten, learning our lesson last time, since it was mostly greasy food truck/fair-type food.  We walked around for about an hour before heading on our next stop, Dave’s work.  I had the kids spelling for M&M’s.  Brandon was helping me come up with words for Peyton, while I was trying to remember his words.  While he didn’t get metamorphosis correct, he did spell “scientist”.  Peyton missed a few of Brandon’s first grade words, but ended strong with “nightmare”.  Each of them had about 5 M&M’s in total, and were about 50% right.  After that, we played a game to chose an animal, and then the other kid had to pick another animal (and later word) with the ending letter of the first word.  We kept ourselves entertained for about 25 minutes before Dave came back to get us.  We then headed to the mall to pick up my run packet, but the line was too long.  We had two sleeping kids in the car, and we had baseball to get back to, so I didn’t have time to wait for the hour I’d heard it was going to take.  I guess with 30,000 people running, there were going to be lines everywhere.  I jumped back in the car, and we headed home.  After we got home, I took off to grab some groceries.  Dave wanted me back before going to warm-ups, so I did everything in half an hour.  It was like a mad supermarket dash trying to get food in the cart.  I even helped bag my own groceries to move along the process.  Dave left when I got back, then Peyton and I walked after.  She’s getting better walking the 0.75 miles from home to the middle school.  She didn’t complain and had a little spring in her step.  When we got there, the game was just starting, and she sat next to me.  That is, until Kai showed up.  Then the two of them took off to go play.  I’d brought stuff for her to do, but they liked the monkey bars and playing around.  I told them to take a lap around the track, and I’d time them.  Turns out, neither made it more than 1/4 of the way before coming through the middle of the field.  I was sort of able to watch Brandon, who played catcher, third and first base.  He got a little turned around at third and tried to tag the base, but there was no runner there.  Then, he threw to first, and it was too late.  But when he played first, he made a great catch from his teammate to make the out at the base.  He was able to put the ball in play and get on base as well, so he did fairly well on both sides.  We came home and ate a quick dinner before putting everyone to bed by 7pm, the second night in a row, since we’d been so busy with only a 20 minute nap on each day.  Here are the pictures:

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