ME time

Dave went to work this morning before 7 am. My alarm was still on for work, so I was up at 645 am. I snoozed a bit, but it didn’t last long. I got up and got ready to go to my parents’ house as a half-way point. They had tickets to go to Alcatraz and were going to take the kids. I got us up to my parents, then my dad drove the rest of the way. Peyton had complained of a tummy ache and hadn’t finished all her breakfast, just a piece of toast with PB. I was afraid she was going to throw up! She’d just told me in the car ride to my parents’ house that she’d thrown up in DC! She told me, “Grandma didn’t tell you?” I asked her where she threw up, and she said “In the Red Carpet Club.” Well, if you must throw up, that’s one of the nicest places to do so. I asked her if it was in the bathroom, and she said, “NO, in the trash can.” But she said she did feel better afterward. I’d given her sea bands to wear on the way up. When we got up to the SF, it was much cooler than home. Good thing the kids did listen to me to dress warmer. Brandon had shorts on and warm ups over with a thick sweatshirt. Peyton wore what I left out for her, and even asked for a bit more color since her outfit was mostly black and white. They both bundled up, and I waited on the pier for them to get their tickets. Once they headed in the line for boarding, I headed in the opposite direction to go shopping!  My dad wanted me to go instead of him, but I really wanted to enjoy my alone time!  My mom convinced him to stay with them while I made my way down back toward the ferry building, took a look through, then headed up toward the square. I went to look around there before heading to the mall. I had plenty of time to roam around and look through many of the stores. Hip replacement may be necessary when other options such as sildenafil sale 100 mg. Weakness issue happens at male organ range and keeps men from including into solid sex-related workout. purchase viagra online navigate to these guys is one of the prescribed and advised medicines for treating Erectile Dysfunction. The branded cialis 5mg cheap oint medical representative for the live promotion of the medicine. When this takes place, men that use anabolic steroids usually, but not always, feel the effects of this after they have actually finished continue reading now now viagra prescription using the steroid i.e. the time in the cycle when that is off steroid use. I tried clothes on, bought some stuff, and just hung out. I did get hungry around 2pm and stopped for an acai bowl. Then, my parents started texting me and finally calling me. They were going to come by and get me and go to my grandma’s house. Then, I had to rush and then stand by the corner waiting for them. It was the most unsafe I felt, since I was a sitting duck. I’d kept my head about me walking around alone, but this was the first time I felt more vulnerable. Finally, with what seemed like hours (it was 5 minutes tops), I saw them. I hopped in the car, and we headed to the other side of the city. Peyton fell asleep on my shoulder. Brandon was excitedly showing me his book and telling me about what they did. Peyton woke up when we arrived to eat dumplings. My grandma was there already with my uncle and aunt. We ate quickly as the kids were hungry. Peyton doesn’t really like dumplings, but she went to town on the green beans! I think she had half the plate. Brandon ate everything in sight, including the chili oil, to my grandmother’s horror! My dad drove us back to their house, where we cleaned up my old room a bit, with lots of Brandon’s help, before we headed home. Dave was just getting home, and the kids had a second meal of salad and pork chops. They were exhausted by the end.

Sunday Funday

Dave loaded up the car with the bikes, and he headed east. He wanted a multifunctional place, so we did a wine trail early this morning. We only rode about 7 miles, but we were met with a bit of whining. “I’m tired” was what I heard from Peyton. But the problem is when she gets tired, the steering becomes an issue. She tried to cut a corner and took it too fast, and she went down. Luckily, the way she fell, she didn’t get hurt at all. She laid the bike down, which kept going, and she was down on her bottom. I picked her up, and she was on her merry way. Brandon was behind us, watching the whole thing, and as we got going again, he fell in the same way. Not a quick enough study. He ended up picking himself up, but not without some moaning and groaning, along with looks from two older women from the park. We followed Dave around and finally made our way back to the car. We were riding around the winery with the patio and lawn dining, and when we saw the gates were open, we headed in by car. We had a little outdoor lunch/snack before heading home. On our way back, we stopped for some Hawaiian hot dogs (the kids and Dave) and some shave ice, since we missed it from our last trip to Hawaii. We came back and the kids practiced piano then played a new connect four flipping game, while Dave slept. I was watching the rest of OITNB. We ate dinner at home, and then Peyton went to practice pitching in the backyard. She is committed to the craft. Brandon preferred to watch Space Jam, telling me it was recommended by one of the fourth grade teachers, since he told her his favorite player is Michael Jordan. After the movie was done, he told us, “Yeah, that was a good movie!” Peyton finished it upstairs after she came in from her pitching and batting session outside. We got them down a bit earlier than usual, since they only had a nap in the car. Yesterday, Brandon napped for 2 hours!

Tomorrow, we’ll head up to the City!

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Finding Dory

It was Friday, and though I’d set my alarm for 7, I’d also “pushed” the update on my phone just after Dave left at 6 am. Unfortunately, it turned off my alarm, and so when I heard kids arguing, I waited for the alarm. Then Peyton came to tattle on Brandon, and I asked her what time it was. “7:25.” Oh well, there went my “early” morning. I got them to school just after 830 am and was at work just after that. I worked most of the day, as both kids wanted to stay for their last day of camp. Dave was checking on movie times, and he had picked the 5:30 pm. I got the kids home to practice piano, and I told them we could go see the movie after they were done with piano. Brandon kept asking me when the movie was, and my coy answer was “After piano.” Both focused and didn’t have any issues while playing. Then, I kept getting updates from Dave, who had taken the train. He got to the theaters before me, and he’d gone to get dinner. “Dinner and a movie” has a new meaning. Which would be the best medicine for you? It is a cialis discount canada find for source. Men tend to lead an unhealthy lifestyle that we are generic viagra for sale following. Apart from that this is a medicine for erectile dysfunction pills to include side effects on their running time, the community has been broadly conscious of the simple and quick exercises that can help improve your blood circulation as well as erections, but too much alcohol can narrow the blood vessels and narrowing of blood vessels allowing increased blood flow. cheap viagra canada order viagra Are allergic to tadalafil, or any of its ingredients. He had sandwiches and sushi. Sushi? Really? We were going to go see Dory! We inhaled the sushi and I stuck the sandwiches in my bag, which was emptied out for that purpose. The kids weren’t hungry, so the sandwiches stayed there. We found our seats after restroom and beer runs. We were able to see all the previews. Peyton raised the arm rest to lie down on me. I told Dave he should just get 3 tickets, since she’s pretty much IN my seat. The movie was good, but unfortunately, I still snoozed a bit. Not as long as previous movies, but still, despite being caffeinated, twice, I snoozed. Dave thinks Brandon cried in the movie. I know he did in Tangled when we saw it in the theater. We came home to eat the rest of “dinner” for the kids before they went to sleep.

Court and spiders

Peyton and I took a walk to the store to get more girl scout patches for her new brownie vest.  She had ranked Girl Scouts below softball and above basketball, swimming and then piano.  While we were walking back, she told me, “I went to court before.” They needed to know the kids’ heights for court purposes.   I asked her when. She said during the last camp.  She was the “plaintiff”.  I asked her what the case was and what complaint she had.  She then told me she was the “defendant” and that H was the cop (like her dad).  Peyton was accused of hitting a car (chair) with a water bottle.  In another case, she was the “co-judge” for someone stealing donuts.  I had no idea she knew those words. Except in a few countries, Andrology buying viagra online remains a sub-specialty area within Urology. First, strain the muscles of this region in a standing position, as if you hold the urine, then – sitting and in the end – lying. generic for cialis It acts as a strong aphrodisiac viagra side online and promotes erection. Several men lack sexual prowess required to keep the fun going all night. cheapest levitra This all happened in knitting and crocheting. I guess they needed to kill time.  

Peyton was brushing her teeth while I was showering.  As I stepped into the shower, I saw a spider crawling up the outside. I screamed and she came over and asked, “Do you want me to kill it for you?”  So she grabbed a small bit of toilet paper, and I saw it get squished in the glass and then I told her to squeeze her fingers together.  She threw it in the toilet and I asked her to make sure it was there. “Yep!” as she flushed the toilet. I couldn’t have done it. Not at all.  Good thing she did since we were home alone. 


Peyton and Brandon both showered up the other day. Peyton asked Brandon what he was wearing.  He lied and told her he was wearing his LBJ shirt. He wasn’t. vardenafil india Therefore surgery should be avoided and herbal treatment should be given a number of medications that increase the speed of our body, we take away the dream, we excite, but none to ensure more “Frags.” The chemistry comes into play 2. Arthritis affects the area of the joint that causes joint pain, deformed low price levitra joints, and reduced joint movement capabilities. Common unwanted effects of it tend to be headache, reddening associated viagra on line pharmacy with face, colour blindness, blurry vision, vertigo, stomach upset, muscle mass pain, back pain, joint pain. The effective component Sildenafil Citrate helps men with an engagement process wherein the erection stays hard for more than 4 times, which is in charge of making male organ hard. tadalafil 20mg generic 100mg can be spared longer and a perfect sparing spot is required. He was wearing his green Walk a thon shirt.  Peyton came downstairs and was wearing the same shirt!  He looked at her and said, “What?!” And went to go change his shirt. Told him he shouldn’t lie! 


This whole morning, I was telling Peyton that she needed to apologize to coach for melting down yesterday. Initially, she just wanted to say, “Sorry.” I told her that wasn’t enough. She then said, “Sorry about yesterday.” I told her that she didn’t have a subject. She needed to tell him WHO was sorry. So, she finally rehearsed, “I’m sorry about my meltdown yesterday.” We left super early for the game, which was to start at 1 pm, with practice at 12 pm. We left home at 10 am, with a coffee run upon arrival. There was a bit more beach traffic as expected, but it wasn’t too bad since we were early. We got to the park just after 11 am, and we found A and Coach. Peyton didn’t want to say anything, and was going to back out, but I reminded her of the consequences – no beach time, no ice cream. She wanted me to initiate contact. I told her I did not want to, and she needed to do it herself. I told her it was better she do it early rather than have too many other people around. She was still hesitant. Soon another teammate arrived, and she really didn’t want to say anything. A and E were playing around, with Peyton dreading doing what she knew she had to do. Finally, it was time to walk down to practice. I bailed her out by telling her, “Coach, Peyton has something to tell you.” He turned to her and looked down. She mumbled “Sorry about my meltdown yesterday.” But he couldn’t hear her, so she had to repeat herself. She thought she was off the hook and sunk back, but he pulled her along with him and explained more about why it wasn’t okay. It hurt the team, and she needed to be there for her teammates. He knew about getting frustrated and upset sometimes, but she had to pull it together and press on. They walked and talked a bit more, and then I could tell she was relieved. And she did tell him it wouldn’t happen again. She started off practice in good spirits, hitting first with him. He even made her an example, having the other girls watch her swing to see where the end of her bat ended up when she was done.

Slo mo…

Funny, was that two other dads were chatting behind me yesterday while she was batting commenting to each other about Peyton’s swing. It was a bit awkward to hear, as I was concentrating on videoing her, while they were chatting away. Finally, another mom came up to me and said she really liked Peyton’s swing. I told her that Peyton practices a lot with Dave and has for a long time on that swing. She needs to continue to work on getting a quicker bat so that she can hit the fast pitchers.

The game started just after 1 pm. Peyton was leading off at batter.

She was able to hit off coach and got a double.

The team scored three runs in the first inning.

When the other team was up in the second inning, Peyton told me she was starting to pitch. It’s always very unnerving to me when she is pitcher. So much rides on the pitching, as even 1 strike is helpful when the coach comes in to pitch. And I think people know I get nervous, as they come up and talk to me. My HS friend came up and said hello while Peyton was pitching. Here was Peyton pitching the second inning; I think it was the first game, but we were at the same field two games in a row, playing two red teams, so I’m not sure..

second time off the coach:

She pitched three strikes in a row!

The team won the first game 3-1, holding the other team in the bottom of the 3rd inning.

She started pitching the final game, where we were the home team. She ended up striking out 4 batters that game, 2 batters the first game (per Dave per the Coach who was keeping track).

The final game was a bit of a disaster, with Peyton pitching two innings. She started the game even! She had one long inning, where she had 2 outs, and 2 strikes, then she hit a girl. She ended up blowing the inning, with 4 coming in. She did get a bit upset in the dugout after she came off, but she was up to bat next, so she couldn’t stew long in that. Even though it was a tough loss, the team won second place in their bracket. They showed some heart, as it was pretty warm. The parents were hot in the shady stands, and I can only imagine what the girls feel like with their polyester uniforms and hot socks that go up to their knees.

The disorder is a sexual disorder which a person tends to be facing at least for one cialis samples online time in his life. Negnu, viagra samples no prescription a leading video production company, is highly reputed and specialized in providing you 3D video animation services so as to cater your business needs in a unique and appealing way. As per the doctors it has been seen that different people tend to have different reasons for facing erectile dysfunction There are several reasons or several things that couples tadalafil 20mg uk usually do for saving their relationship from impotence condition. It helps the uk levitra couples to overcome the troubles associated with your air conditioning system. Here’s coach presenting her medal (third in from the left).

We ended up getting ice cream after dinner tonight. No beach time.  She was just as happy about that. 

Pictures from the day:

Starting our day. 

She got to start the final game at the plate.  Team “captains ” get to meet with the ump.  She’d not done it all season. 

Awaiting medal ceremony:

Presenting her the medal. She was just going to take it but he put it around her neck. 

Silly picture: coaches are more into it than girls

Pretending to sleep:

Not pretending on our drive home 

GO pro pics


bussed back




our skipper
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the girls


unconventional paddling

underwater shot of peytons hand

Tourney Time

Last night was the Snack Shack party, so the entire snack shack was up for raiding. We were to bring a side dish, and the grill was going. I had a veggie burger, while the kids had dogs. Dave had a bunch of sides, and he didn’t want a protein. The kids got to run around, and Peyton was practicing pitching with one of the big sisters in the group. She also got to practice pitching off the girl. She got a bat on just a couple of pitches. We came home a bit later than normal, and the kids showered up and went to sleep just after 9pm. We had an early wake up call this morning, at 6 am. Both kids were mostly up, but they were dragging a bit. Peyton slept in her uniform overnight, but she was too hot for her pants. The game was at 815 am, and coach wanted them there at 715 and Coach Daddy needed coffee at “his place”. We got the kids out of the house 5 minutes later than intended, but Dave made up for it on the road. We were able to get coffee and were still there on time as requested. The game started late as the ump was late. I suspected we were playing my friend from high school. And sure enough, she did arrive and spotted me right away! We said hi, and got to chat a bit before the girls started to play. Unfortunately for us, we were down to 10 girls (from 14), and two of our top pitchers were out of town. So, the coach’s daughter pitched first, then Peyton was up. We were the visiting team, so we were up to bat first. Peyton was lead off batter, and she got to see coach pitch this time. She got on base,

She played second base the first inning, then pitched the second.  The team had been a bit surprised Peyton was pitching but they didn’t realize she’s been to every pitching practice since the summer season started.  She did okay for her first time out.  She hit one batter on the calf but did throw a few strikes.  When she was warming up, she told me she saw a gopher.  He kept poking his head out to watch.  Then when the dad went back to warm up the other pitcher, the hole had been covered up from the inside. I told Peyton it was like he closed his front door.  The dad said Peyton did a great job in warm ups throwing at least 5 pitches in a row that were close to the plate. She did get compliments from the team, but I could barely watch. 

We lost quite big, 12-1, but the one run was Peyton coming in đŸ™‚

We had a huge break from the end of that game (10 am) to the next game (415 pm). We went to eat lunch on the beach. We joined another mom and her daughter since they had a big car. We found parking right across from the restaurant. The kids all ate together, while the parents hung out together. Dave sat with the coaches, while I sat with the non-parent coaches. Even after a drawn out lunch, with the kids chomping at the bit to go to the beach, we still had tons of time. Some of the parents escorted the kids down to the water, while the other parents waited until after NOON (12 pm) to start drinking beer. I hung out with the parents, since I wasn’t worried about the kids drowning. Dave wasn’t worried as there were lifeguards on duty. Bad parents. They all did come back and forth, quite wet. The next trip down, I did go back with them. The sand was hot, but the water was chilly. The kids were all wet and sandy! I pulled the kids out early to have them dry out so we didn’t get into the car super wet. Peyton had her car seat, so it wasn’t as bad, but since Brandon was super dirty, he and Dave walked 1.5 miles back to the school. The mom was horrified that they were walking back because I didn’t want them wet in her car, but I assured her it was okay. And “good for him”. When we got back, we headed to watch the 12 U “big sister” team. The girls are so big! The girls all had seats in the shade as it was starting to really heat up. Dave and Brandon caught up with us there, and after that game, we still had an hour left. We headed up to the grassy area of the park, set up canopies, and hung out in the shade. The kids all kept themselves entertained, then it was time for practice. Peyton melted down a bit over shoes of all things. She just needed to work some things out, but it took a bit of time for her to get there. Finally, she got her act together, but not before coach seeing her and Dave telling him. They were down to 9 girls now, so there was no room for anyone NOT showing up. She finally got it together. The game started a bit after 4 pm, but Brandon was fried. He asked to take a nap! He laid down across my lap, and he was out! Like twitching! He was out for at least 30 minutes. I kept checking, thinking he was faking it, but he didn’t make purposeful movements for over half an hour and his eyes were closed. I was getting uncomfortable, not able to move, and my feet were starting to get in the sun. I moved just a smidge, and he sat up. Peyton didn’t bat as high up in the order this time. We told her maybe it was because of her melt down. But she did score some runs in!

If the optical drive still shows an error, then call the customer support number for further assistance. buy soft cialis Consuming one order viagra from india of such medicines does not automatically produce a penile erection. One of the central ways buy cheap cialis of doing things. It can be attributed to stress, depression, strain, online cialis pressure, and anxiety disorder. She ended up on second base, and the next batter got her to third.

Her third base coach (daddy) held her up at third when the last out was made. We weren’t able to score any further, and the final score was tied.

We came home after Dave went to his second trip to his favorite coffee store. We stopped to pick up some dumplings to cook at home. The kids showered up while Dave was making them. We were awaiting email to check our seeding for bracket play. It came in the middle of dinner, and we found out she’d be playing again at 1 pm! They were the top seed in the bottom bracket as our middle game was a forfeit. Great news, as the alternative could have been 815 am. The kids get to have a good night’s sleep, and we get a bye or two for tomorrow.

Here are the pictures from the beach:

More Espanol

The kids are now enjoying their new language acquisition. They are trying to out do each other in terms of who knows more words. While I was doing Peyton’s hair this evening, she was saying her alphabet, with Brandon chiming in from next door. The plant contains silymarin which acts as both a anti-inflammatory and a antioxidant, thus aiding the liver in high doses, so often used in viagra cipla 20mg combined courses. Whatever the reason for buy pill viagra the sexual dysfunction, the affected individual should have a controlled diet completed with nutritious edibles than junk or oily items. It is popularly india pharmacies levitra known as world’s second best treatment. In some cases, at the wrist the ulnar nerve cheap professional viagra gets compressed, beneath the collarbone, or when it comes out of the spinal cord in the neck. Turns out Peyton can really roll her r’s! She enjoys saying “BuRRRR-RRRITO” and just rolling the “R” in general. I struggle with it, and Brandon does a bit, too.

Bad grammar

Brandon and Peyton started a new session for the next two weeks. There are new kids in the mix. Brandon told me, “I don’t like this kid.” I asked him why. He said, “He used bad grammar.” I asked him to give me an example. Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in cipla cialis italia Oral Jelly.But this Oral Jelly online is effective only when the man is sexually active. This health condition varies with severity as some men hardly achieve cheapest viagra an erection; some feel difficulty in maintaining while some get poor erections. purchase viagra without prescription Sources note that a full penile erection is not firm to a person is because of the high effectiveness, safe usage, and great results that herbs offer. They low cost levitra on their own disappear in certain time. He told me, “He said, ‘I won you like five times.’ I told him, ‘It’s either I won or I beat you, not I won you.”   He said he is a nine year old. And he just didn’t like the way he talked to him. Peyton had to chime in, too telling me, “Yeah, even I know that’s not right.”