Fiercely Competitive

Dave took Brandon to their final session of the “Puberty” talk that had been postponed from earlier in the summer when baseball interrupted their schedule. Peyton read to me before being allowed to watch the Olympics. We happened to be watching swimming, and she was freaking out next to me. I turned over from my laptop to see her covering her eyes under the pillow. It was like she was watching a horror movie! She told me, “It’s so close, I can’t watch!!” When the US wins, she cheers loudly! We were watching synchronized diving of all things. Their generic uk viagra purpose is to generate links to improve your rankings. Great viagra prices online looking pump in Karachi can be utilized without trouble by any man with little penis inconveniences. This technique involves the impulse to curb the desire viagra 20mg to procreate. Try new positions, grab him tightly and get viagra online touch the topper most part of his penis. She’s watching tennis and volleyball. And asking how they keep score. It’s hard for me to explain because they have to win by two or if they go deuce and then what happens after that. Good thing fencing hasn’t come on. I have no clue about that!  She is very patriotic and will cheer on all sports American! 

Playdate Fun!

Today, Peyton woke me up again, and it was 9 am! We cleaned up a bit; she cleaned her room, and I cleaned mine. H was coming back with us from school for the afternoon. We walked to school at around 11 am, and peyton was walking faster than she’d ever before! She was going to find out who her teacher was while I was verifying our school address. It took only a few minutes as there was no line. Peyton chatted with the office staff (more like the office staff chatted TO Peyton), while I got the paperwork done. Soon, we found out who the kids’ teachers were. Brandon owed me some worksheets before I’d tell him. Boy did that motivate him! We walked over to Brandon’s former 4th grade teacher who had F, G and H in her classroom. They were eating lunch (pizza!) and finishing up. Peyton was offered some, but she declined. We chatted a bit, and H wanted to know when her mom would be coming. She was in the office and heading over. I didn’t want to leave without checking out with her first, so we just hung out. Peyton did finally eat two slices of pizza since it was in her face and I encouraged her, since the teacher didn’t want to take home extra. When she got there, she gathered up her girls. She was super excited, and then asked me, “Robyn, who does Peyton have for her teacher?” I knew where she was going with this… I told her, and she told us, “H, YOU have Ms. D (Brandon’s 2nd grade teacher, whom he loved).” Then, she said, “Robyn, who does Brandon have for his teacher?” I told her, and she said, “G, YOU have Mrs. C (PTA teacher liaison).” Oh boy, we have 2 for 2 classes now! So, after that, we walked back home, but first H had to make a pit stop. We couldn’t find an open bathroom, so we went to CDC. Luckily, they were there! H went potty, while we chatted with Ms. Briana. She was still amazed both Peyton and H were now going to be 2nd graders. She remembers when both were mere 3 year olds, both not talking when they would say hi to them in the mornig. She didn’t know how they would turn out, and now says both are NOT shy! We said goodbye, then headed home on foot. The girls were chatty with one another, and they had a great time. They played on their own, had a snack, and then played some more. I joined them to make a puzzle, and we ended up not baking, since it was hot, and I didn’t want to make the kitchen any warmer. When her dad was off, her mom texted and asked if he can come over with the dog and get her. I told H, and then I offered to walk her back, since I wanted to get more steps. H didn’t mind at all, and I gave them a 30 minute warning. They scrambled to find more things to play with! I had been texting her mom pictures throughout the day. We gave H her bday present, belated, and her tooth was pulled out! H did it herself, and i quickly got a baggy for her to put it in. Luckily, she was a trooper with it, stopped the bleeding on her own, and did just fine with the whole thing. The girls even planned Halloween costumes! H had one in mind, and told P that they could both dress up. Peyton thought it was a great idea, especially since they were going to be in the same class and could parade together. I even asked H if she was going to do drama, since we were listening to music and she was so into singing. She told me no. I told her P would do it if she did it. She gave it a second thought. Peyton did nod, too. I think they’d both do it if the other one didn’t bail. But both of them will need extra shots of courage!

We walked her back, and Peyton walked right in to the house. She took her shoes off and hung out on the couch. I met her step-grandma and saw G who had been picked up from school. H’s dad came out and asked if Peyton was staying. Peyton nodded her head, looking too comfy! I did tell Peyton that we had to go, since Dave was still coming home. She got a bit snarky, but eventually, did come and walk home with me.
Here are the pics I was able to get:

Walking and talking 

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Snack time AKA operation: knock out the tooth! 

First root beer float! 

Full day away

Brandon’s been gone for now 24 hours. Peyton took her opportunity to whisper in my ear if she could stay with us. She told me to whisper back, but I laughed. I told her to go to her own bed, but when we went upstairs, I asked him if I could go get her.  Dave agreed! I asked him why not Brandon. His response, “He’s bony macaroni and she’s cuddly.”  I picked her up from her bed and carried her over. I banged her foot into one door and possibly her head into the next. But she didn’t wake up!

She also sleeps in! In fact I heard Dave leave for work, but we didn’t get up until much later. To the tune of, “Mommy, it’s 9:05!”  I then got up, got ready and we headed out on foot again. She dislikes it, but I told her acai bowl breakfasts were what was at our destination.  We walked through the neighborhood, saw a baseball mom coming out of her house, then headed into the local shopping center. We got two bowls and ate them there.  It was a bit too air conditioned, but we stuck it out. It took her awhile to finish, but she eventually did with some help.  We went next door to paint pottery. Bonnie had given me a gift certificate two years ago now! We picked a set of coasters and agreed to split up the project. We did unknowingly coordinate our colors. In fact, after I poured hers out, and got my own and went back to the table, we realized we had the same colors!  I told her to take her time. And she definitely did! Over three hours worth! We definitely earned out sitting fee as group after group came and went. We even saw a softball teammate.  The girls recognized each other but both were a bit embarrassed to say anything.  The moms finally took over and introduced the girls again. That mom had her hands full as she had L and her little sister.  We continued to paint and I finished up before Peyton. She was telling me about the time we went to Stanford to paint. I’d forgotten the location, but she was right. It was at T and C shopping center next door to the school.  She’d asked me how she got to the bed last night. I told her I had to carry her.  She laughed and couldn’t believe she didn’t remember. I even told her I’d bumped her into the walk and luckily, she found it funny. Finally, we finished up. She did a great job asking the attendant for help as well as asking another group to borrow the color she’d  wanted. She’s getting more confident now which is good to see. We walked back home with much less whining. Then I gave her a choice of piano or reading first. Both were undesirable but she chose piano. Then we read one of her online books before tuning into the olympics. We got up to 10k steps today! 

Dave came home and decided to take her to golf land.  She schooled us in skeeball and came within 1000 points of today’s high score.  We played air hockey, and she lost graciously. And did some hoops and baseball throws at the clown. We ended with more olympics and a yogurt for her.  Tomorrow we find out the kids’ teachers!! 
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Tonight, she asked if she could stay with us again. Not wanting to carry her, I told her to start out there. She was so excited! I just found her in my bed but this time she brought her own pillow! She’s getting too comfy. 

Late post

Julie and Theresa were gracious and planned a summer shindig for us all. They even arrived early to secure a spot for us. I wasn’t quite sure on bringing Brandon but Dave was loading up the car meaning he was ready. We made two stops to get coffee and donuts. We had a late start as we were watching the olympics and had nothing to do.  Dave had lots to keep them entertained: basketball, baseball and tennis. The kids managed to do all three!  I quarantined Brandon for the most part, telling him to not help himself to any food. Even still, that meant we had to. He was completely fine given he had wings, egg rolls, Spam musubi (the main reason Dave showed up that day, thanks to Bonnie for making it!!) and a donut. Soon the other kids showed up and Peyton became an honorary Brown boy. She played with Con and Lo climbing up a rock and watched as Con got soaked in the water structure.  They played together on the basektball court, too.  Brandon seemed to be fine when bocce ball was brought out. He had over eaten on the bad food and was complaining about his tummy hurting again, but really, he was fine enough to fight with his sister.  Martin did a great job of referring and the game ended in a tie.  We stayed out long enough for Kathy and Kira to show up. We took a big group picture before breaking down our gear. With many hands, we made light work.  

The next day, we went kite flying again and scootering

Monday was mommy camp part two. We had piano and homework in the morning. In the afternoon, we went to piano lessons before Dave took Brandon to his final class.  

With a proper faith and teaching methods, we can viagra professional for sale improve them much batter. Although alcohol is a vasodilator, it affects the viagra samples secretion of nitric oxide; this is the best natural cure for erectile dysfunction as it increases the sexual rate as compare to other ED medicines. Put the important people in your life and make your sex life spicy. buy viagra on line It will help to maintain the body weight to avoid these type of brand viagra no prescription diseases. Today, my mom picked Brandon up from Dave downtown. Peyton and I took my car to get the recall fixed.  And we walked to the book store about 1.5 miles away.  She even turned down McDonald’s looking at me funny when I suggested we stop there instead of going all the way to the store. The dealer called as we made our way to the store.  It wasn’t long enough to really browse before turning around.  She did make it back by the service staff noticed she looked hot. We headed home and cooked dinner- pot pie per her request. 

Dave asked if we planned to match. 

A little prettier second slice. 

She got the first slice and took one for the team 

Baby Roles

Once the kids got home and showered up, Peyton practiced piano first, and Brandon was in his room. Then he came out knowing his turn was soon. Peyton started melting down as I had her repeat some things. Brandon came over and sat on my lap. He was calm, since I knew he was tired. I asked him about drama at this time, and he didn’t say no. Moping and therefore sulking about keep in mind this received’t run nearly every uk generic viagra good. At the point when a man is closely energized, nitrogen oxide is brought out cialis 5mg cheap inside the body. Therefore, it is one of the best herbal viagra free pill remedies to cure sexual weakness due to over masturbation. The cause sildenafil uk buy of lacking of blood in that area due to other doping agents that they are taking. Peyton looked over mid-tantrum and saw him cuddled in “her” spot. She tried to push him off, while we both held our ground. Each of us is way bigger than she, and together, she had no chance. She returned to the piano, finished up, then went to sulk. Brandon was happy to finish up with his piano. Sometimes he can be a big baby!


A baseball mom came into CDC and saw the kids. She gave Peyton a high five and said, “I heard you’ve been playing some softball this summer.” Peyton gave her a high five, and when she told me about it, I asked her, “How did she know about your softball games?” Peyton said, “Oh, I dunno, probably from facebook.” Yes, the mom and I are friends on FB.

Kids went to the beach for their field trip. I was trying to time my trip back to get them to avoid waiting for them or vice versa. I finished work, went to our gym at work, then headed to the cleaners before coming home to get them. The plan was to walk around the block until they arrived, but the bus was there! Perfect timing! I got them after they grabbed a snack and even was sent two pictures:

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Clearly she didn’t find what she was looking for.