Doozy of a Day!

This morning, I woke up at 545 am, and met up with some other moms at 620 am to carpool to the convention center. We were meeting up with 900 other Asset Builders throughout the county as part of our reading program. Our principal, superintendent, PTA president, police officers, and other elected officials were all in attendance. I opted for a “vegetarian” meal, as I was a bit scared off by the “Vegan” version, but it was still “a change” for me and was a conversation starter of sorts for my mom-friend next to me. We were talking about the kids, then she saw my sign in front of me. Our other lead is a vegetarian, so there were no questions asked, but somehow it was “different” for me. The speakers came up one by one, and it was very motivational in terms of working with the kids. It makes it harder to step away from such a great program, though it will be more in leadership versus the actual reading, which will continue. We started with coffee, which was much-needed, fruit, and our entree, a veggie scramble. In hindsight, I could have tolerated the tofu scramble! I went to chat with the middle school principal to re-introduce myself in a different environment; instead of girl scout meetings at his house, we were both there in support of the reading program. I asked about the program at the middle school level, and he mentioned that there wasn’t such a thing in full yet. I did mention if it would be a consideration, considering our program is 1.5 years old, that many of our readers will be moving on to the middle school or already there with their kids, myself included in 3 years (gasp!), and we’d be a potential resource in getting the program established there. As I was saying it, I was considering what that would mean for me, since I was bringing it up. It’s totally not my cup of tea to be a pioneer, but it’s such a great program, and I see how powerful it can be. After I chatted with him, I met up with and walked with my co-lead back to the cars. I mentioned to her about the conversation, and she was excited about the possibility of it as well. She has twin third graders, too, so she’d be on board, too. We’ll see, but instead of pulling back, I may be diving in! I rushed off to work, since I didn’t work last week. I stayed for about 1.5 hours before heading back to Peyton’s class. She asked me a week or so ago if I’d be willing to attend her performance. How can I turn her down!? I didn’t go to lunch as a result, and I felt badly about that, especially in light of my inspirational breakfast. I sat in the front of the class, facing them, and the teacher had them come in and find their spot on the floor. They had pieces of tape marking their spot.
Here’s part of her warm-up. I immediately texted Dave and said, “Hair? Really?!?” as that was his work this morning.  His response was that she wouldn’t let him touch it.  I guess she was going for the “Hair whip” look. 

Then, the teacher, on the spot, taught the class a hip hop routine, with pieces she’s taught them over the last 6 weeks. This was the teacher who pulled Peyton up as a demo for the class. After a few rounds of the class layering on moves, they did a few of the entire dance for practice. She then asked those who would like to perform on their own without the teacher’s prompting to raise their hands. The rest of the kids who didn’t want to perform were to sit down. Half of the kids wanted to stay up, and my kid sat down on my feet. There goes prime filming opportunity. Then, after those kids went, she told those sitting, “Now it’s your turn! You can’t hide!” Yay!
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I just realized the poor girl behind Peyton; I think she was sad because her parents weren’t at the performance. Poor thing!

Here are the marshmallow bunny pictures.  Poor bunny didn’t survive after being knocked to the ground and getting all dirty. But she knew I wasn’t going to let her eat it with all those hands touching in the bowl of marshmallows.  Gross.    


after showering, since Brandon did a great job swimming, he got to pick if he wanted to practice piano first or second.  He chose first!   He went about 30 minutes while Peyton did a workbook right next to us.  Then Peyton took her turn and melted down but eventually put it all together to finish within a half an hour as well.  We then we for a library run to return books and get more.  The kids get super excited about this, and we return to the same library where the kids “grew up” with the fish tank.  We re-loaded then got some snacks for tomorrow’s game as I’d signed up.  When we got home, dinner and Dave were there waiting for us!!  Kids were down by 730 pm with Brandon sweetly asking if I’d be chatting with him tonight.  I told him I’d read with peyton and then be right in.  And we did just that.  I think I started a trend! At least it gives us quiet time to talk, and he opens up  and tells me about his day.  Today he told me his classmate was looking up YouTube videos and one had the “F” word.  Brandon said he wasn’t involved besides being one of many who reported to the teacher.  He said he wasn’t tattling and specifically said he was “reporting”.  Again another PC reference, from last year’s books.  Then to end my crazy day, I headed to the gym to run four miles in under forty minutes! I must have had a second wind as earlier I’d taken a 10 minute nap in the car before swimming. I was totally out! I set the alarm to not miss swimming.  We were already in the parking lot so that would’ve been lame.  Peyton was reading quietly while Brandon was rubiks cubing (Old is new again! Brandon was enthralled and determined to figure it out.  Peyton just told him, “why don’t you just take off the stickers and put them back in place?”  Sneaky, that one.) I told the kids I was super tired.  Peyton told me, “That’s because you were up so early, Mommy!”  She was on a roll today.  

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