Busy Friday!

This morning, we were heading out the door to school, when Brandon looked out the front window and said, “Ah, Mommy, you better come here and take a look. Something looks weird.” I looked, and out across the street, there was a man drilling into the ground panel. He was running an extension cord, but this was the house that had gotten broken into twice in the last 5 months. So, I quickly called the non-emergency line to report the man. I got the kids in the car, and then I put Brandon on license plate duty. As we drove by, I told him to jot down the license plate. We had already described the man and his car to the dispatcher who had agreed that it sounded a bit odd. While on our drive, Peyton said, “Nice catch, Brandon!” We got all the way to school when Peyton told me, “OH, I have no backpack!”
I was teaching in the class at 9 am, but I had time to go home and grab it before heading back into the class. She was too preoccupied with the goings on across the street to pick up her stuff. When I came home, I realized the guy outside the neighbor’s house was installing a mail box. Ooops. Well, never can be too cautious 🙂
I presented my last book and presented each student with a certificate and a handshake. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize there was a typo on the boys’ certificates (herself) so I grabbed them all back and told them I’d give them theirs on Monday. None of them caught my mistake, but of course, they all wanted to know what was going on. After that, I went to work for exactly an hour. After clocking out, I headed to the Farmer’s Market with Julie. I got some cherries and strawberries then headed home. I was going to go to school to do my lunch duty, but it’s not the same without Peyton there. I met up at the flagpole to get Peyton’s nametag and meet her chaperone for their field trip. The kinders who won the minimum amount for fundraising were going to Golfland. I headed back to Peyton’s class to pick her up and meet Brandon. He came over as usual, and we headed to golf. I reminded Peyton about her behavior and how I didn’t want to get a call from her chaperone, Tristan’s mom. After we met up with Tristan’s mom, Brandon and I headed back to school to check out the book faire that started today. He got to pick one book, and I picked one for him. I picked one for Peyton, and we’ll have to bring her back so she can choose her own. We came home where Brandon ate his lunch and practiced piano. We then went back to pick Peyton up. Tristan’s mom had sent me an action shot of her. She’s clearly not putting! We couldn’t find her at first, and saw her chaperone with just Tristan. I did a loop, and was about to go nuts not finding her, then I saw her sitting at a game. I had to look closely at what it was, and it was StreetFighter! Ours back in the day was the original. This one was Streetfighter IV! And she was playing the female character against her other girl friend from class. She didn’t see me at first until her game was done. She was playing with a little boy who came in, and when she grabbed her card, she tried to use it in one more game and had zero credits. She didn’t want to leave, and I convinced her we could come back and use it again. I checked her balance, and she had 150 tickets, that she could spend later. She threw a hissy fit, but eventually followed me out of the place. In the car, she told me the boy “stole” her card, as she only played a few games on it. She went off on him, and I told her that she could spend the tickets that he left on her card. She eventually calmed down, but it took the whole drive to KP. Brandon had his growth check appointment, and I was going to tag in and ask the pedi about Peyton’s outbreak on her face. It started this morning when she had some almond butter, wheat toast, apple and milk. We also had to check in to get Brandon’s and my travel immunizations. He started to freak out a bit, but he knew he’d get ice cream after, so I think he was okay with it. We got Brandon’s height, weight and blood pressure. Height: 4’7″, 77%ile, Weight: 63 # (46%) and BP was 102/61, though I thought I saw 112/61.
The pedi was quite concerned about Brandon’s “growth velocity”. He’s not growing as quickly as she would hope, so she contacted the pediatric endocrinology department. Our own pedi was going to order a bone x-ray, but then after talking to the endo, she ordered a bunch of labs to check for malabsorption, celiac, thyroid, and a bunch of other tests. He started getting more nervous – shots AND lab tests! She turned her attention to Peyton, and opened up her chart. She was impressed by her oral rash, and recalled her recent visit with the rash on her face earlier this season. She ended up ordering a RAST test and adding all kinds of allergens, including all that she ate this morning. So, after the appointment, we needed to go to 1) injection clinic, 2) xray, and 3) blood test. We’d gotten prescriptions yesterday, which the doctor thought was funny, but I told her I was trying to save one stop, and I’m glad I did! So, we headed to the travel shots first, so Peyton was off the hook. Brandon went first, and he was so squeamish, but at least he sat on his own chair. I went next and kept my arm relaxed. I barely felt it, but Brandon started complaining already. We headed to x-ray, and I told him that it wouldn’t hurt at all. This was the easiest stop he’d make. Peyton followed him in, but the tech told her to come back out with “Mommy”, so I assured him we’d be right outside. He didn’t seem to care, and within 30 seconds, he was back out to us! We then headed to the lab, and both kids were whining. I prepped them by telling them that we’d be getting numbers like at the deli. I used the example to say we’d go to the lab, and we needed to get a number, like “31”. I was trying to anticipate a fight to the ticket machine, and I asked the kids to pick a number between 1-10. Brandon said, “She’s going first.” Peyton didn’t disagree, but they both kept asking how it was going to feel. Peyton sat on my lap, and I squeezed her in a bear hug. They checked both arms, but they didn’t need to pin her down, as she was laughing and watching the needle. She was done, and they offered her a can of orange juice. She gladly took it, but she had no clue how to open it, since it was the soda can top. I warned her not cut her tongue on the metal, since I knew someone who had before. Brandon was next, and he started to get nuts. I had to plop him on my lap, and he looked so huge on my lap. He didn’t offer his arm; he kept shaking his head saying he didn’t want to do this. They were trying to calm him down, but he kept asking Peyton if it hurt. She was amused by his fear. I told her to tell him how it was. I had to bear hug him and then some, and they warned him to not move otherwise they’d have to do it again. Once the poke happened, I thought that the worst was over, but he kept talking to the phlebotomist, “Are you done?”, “How much blood are you taking?”, “I’m all done (said after 4 out of 5 vials were done)”, “OW!”. Seriously, big baby! We were done, and he hopped off my lap. He had broken out in a cold sweat, and his bottom was damp as was his shirt! Poor guy. We were all done for the day. Or so I thought. We were to do a stool sample, and I asked the lab to throw a few pairs of gloves in there for me and Brandon. I wasn’t sure if he could do it by himself. We got home, and Dave was already home. I quickly got Peyton dinner and showered her up. She was happy to leave her hair down. Brandon ate, too, but he was whining about his arm hurting. I think he may have tensed up and flexed his muscle when they went in IM. I took a few pictures, and then Dave and Peyton were off! Brandon told me he had to poop, so we headed upstairs. We both gloved up, and I had to put my big girl panties on. This part is kinda gross…but he provided me a rather large sample, which I took a hemoccult smear x 2, and then two big scoops for two vials. He kept making gagging and retching noises, and I had to tell him to stop, since I was gagging myself. I told him if he had any doubts that I loved him, this would truly put those doubts out of his mind. He couldn’t stop laughing at that point. We were going to head back to KP to drop this stuff off. I had emailed my doctor at the request of the travel clinic since I didn’t have titers on file. In the meantime, my doctor had ordered it, so I was going for the lab, too. We headed back, did our business, and then we were going for ice cream as promised. FINALLY, the fun stuff! We headed to the same place that Dave took Peyton. I asked him if he wanted quality (the same ice cream as we had in the city with Marcus) or quantity. He picked quantity. Of course. He picked mint cookie. She scooped him a full cup, and his eyes kept getting bigger and bigger with each scoop! Finally, he took it over to the table to enjoy it. I ordered this “creamy” bun thing, but it turned out it was a donut, split with about half as much ice cream as what he had. I’d rather have more ice cream, so I gave him most of the donut, but even he said, “I don’t want anymore!” Wow, he tapped out. I chalked it up to carb loading before bay 2 breakers, though that’s on Sunday…ugh. We finally headed home, he brushed his teeth, and he was in bed by 745 pm. And still complaining! He didn’t want to play baseball tomorrow because he said he couldn’t do anything with his arm (this is his right one!) He just wanted to sleep it off, asking how long it’d be until his arm wouldn’t hurt anymore. I told him 2-3 days, and he thought about it for awhile. Let’s see how it goes…
Dave and Peyton came home from the dance, and she was excited to tell me she limbo’d. Dave had texted me that another girl, her softball teammate in 2nd grade, had the same dress. Peyton neglected to tell me this tidbit of info. I wonder if she was okay with it. She told me about her classmates who were there. The funny thing is that when I looked at pictures last year, they were all there, too, it’s just that they hadn’t met each other yet. So cute…hopefully this will become a tradition
here are the pictures from today
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