Last day! 

Peyton woke up early by 630 to go potty and then nudged me over to join us. Dave didn’t get up early because he had a dental appointment. But it was at 8 am so he was gone by the time we woke up a second time. This time, I was rudely awoken as Peyton saw a spider directly above us. I asked her if she was tall enough to reach it and she popped up and tried. She was still about a foot short. So I begrudgingly got toilet paper and stood on my bed to get a better vantage point to take this sucker out. As I was preparing myself, Brandon came in and asked, “What are you doing?”  I pointed up.  I would have let him do it?”, but his skills aren’t as honed as Peyton’s and I worried about it getting loose IN MY BED!! So I hovered over my mark, but I was still hesitant.  I looked down at the seven year old who gently nodded to me, reassuringly.  After her nod, I went in for the kill.  I’d gotten it, checked for damage, and deposited it in the toilet. After washing up, we began our day. I was really up by then.  Our agenda item was baking s’mores cookies with ingredients we’d gotten when H was last here.  Brandon was not as helpful, playing on his own downstairs, while Peyton did most of the work and mixing. Brandon was helping read the recipe while I was testing his fractions if we doubled or halved the recipe.  Peyton shaped the cookies and put the finishing touches of mini marshmallows on each. 

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Brandon wanted to go to sleep early so he could get up and go to school tomorrow. They were both excited. Peyton is going to use her new rolly backpack that I’d gotten her a few years back. She remembered that Brandon used one in second grade and now she says it’s her turn.  So we busted it out for her to use. She knew exactly where it was and brought it downstairs.  

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