Ski/Board Success!

We met up with the kids after ski/ride school, and I was apprehensive how the recap would be with their instructors. Fortunately, when I set low expectations, and it turns out otherwise, I’m pleasantly surprised! Peyton’s instructor said she was a sweet kid, and she enjoyed her day. She was one of her responsible skiers and never accompanied her on the lift! She got to go up on her own with the other responsible kids. She said she was gaining skill and didn’t tire out at all (what I was most afraid of – I really had an idea that she’d just sit on the snow after tiring out and would refuse to move). Brandon didn’t pee in his pants đŸ™‚ The instructor said he could tell he loved it, and always had a smile, even after his many falls. He said he was a respectful kid, and enjoyed having him in the group. He gave him some pointers to make sure he always heard his voice in his head, saying, “Lean downhill!” Brandon knew exactly what he meant. Peyton looked a bit sad because she’d lost her goggles. We think it was because she was playing with them, but the instructor said she never saw them. Peyton said she lost them on the ski lift. Who knows. We did tell her that if anything fell off the lift, she was to let it go and not try to reach for it. Once we let her off the hook for them, she perked up a bit. We took them to apres ski, even though technically WE did not ski. We had some happy hour drinks with pizza to share before going back to the room for “dinner”. The kids were not as tired as we thought they might be for all day ski school. We did want them to rest up for the second day (more for us) so we could get off to a good start. We had already rented their gear, and we turned in relatively early. The lifts didn’t open until 9 am, but the kids were up and at it before 7 am. We all got ready and got out by 830 am, and good thing, as the gondola was open earlier than expected. There had been closures the day before, so they may have been making up for that. Brandon told us his instructor told him, “These are the days people LIVE for”, referring to the good weather and great powder/snow. We started with runs all together, and I’d texted Jennifer to meet up for lunch, right before my phone died either from the cold or the wifi searching (which I’d left on, thinking it’d help me find Jennifer). We skied together, and even went up on a 6 person lift! The kids were definitely faster than us, or Peyton faster than me anyway, as I was intent on NOT falling. She’d zip right through the moguls, and make her way down lickety-split! She even asked me to take her on a black diamond. I told her I could not, as I could not afford injury – to her or me (but especially to ME). She kept asking, but I was not taking. We did come in to meet Jennifer; she and Jonathan had been there already for awhile. They looked nice and refreshed, while we were all snowy and wind-blown. We had a quick lunch all together, then we headed out with Jennifer for a run. We bumped into Jesselyn in the process, and then said goodbye to Jennifer before taking another run as a family of four. Then, Brandon was complaining of being thirsty. He probably wasn’t drinking enough for the high altitude. So, we left him at the front of the lodge while we took a run just three of us. We told him not to go anywhere (where would he, really), and we headed off for the 4 person chair. I could tell Peyton was a bit more tired, as she kept crossing her skis. This particular time, she crossed her skis in line. I tried to hold her up as she uncrossed them, and she did manage that, but not before falling over on to me. She knocked me over, and the attendants had to turn off the lift! But the lift slows to a stop, it doesn’t stop on a dime. I was pinned on my side under Peyton, and the lift was pushing against her back. The attendant grabbed the chair from the back and was holding it steady, but he was losing ground in the snow and slipping. They picked Peyton up from the front, and moved her out of the way, while I slid backward away from the fray. That left Peyton, Dave and a boarder up ahead, with me hanging my head in a walk of fallen shame. A snowboarder from behind me scooted up so as “not to have me ride alone” and also to help his friends spread out a bit. He was funny as he was giving me a play by play about how it all went down. He said he and his friends thought she’d pull it out and get upright without any problem then she went down. He said it happens to the best of them after I’d told him it was her first fall this trip with me anyway. She kept trying to turn around and wave hi to me, despite me telling her to turn around. I think she was just being nosy as the guy and I were chit-chatting away about boarding/skiing. I was telling him about her and how long she’d been skiing, etc. We wished each other a nice day and I met up with them. Fortunately, none of us was hurt in the process, and it was a slow motion process when I went down. After the fact, I realized, Dave was upright the whole time, and he did not intervene whatsoever. I told him in retrospect, he could have stiff armed me to help prop me up and resist her domino-ing me. He said he moved forward to avoid the situation. Gee, thanks!
We went back to get Brandon, who was dutifully waiting for us (and presumably looking hard) at the front of the lodge where the skis are stored. We picked him up and then did another run all together. Peyton and Brandon were both falling, and starting to get more tired. We decided to all call it quits before anyone got hurt. We had a busy weekend that could not be interrupted by injury. We took the gondola down, took a bunch of pictures on the way down, and then turned their skis in. We parked our gear in valet, and then headed upstairs to chain our shoes. We returned after showering and tried another happy hour place. Jennifer texted me that she was getting her kids and to see how we were doing. I told her we were great, given we were clean, comfy and warm! We were planning to meet up for dessert, since their family was having an in-room dinner with Jonathan’s sister’s family. We went back to our room and relaxed a bit, watching the UCLA game, and then met with Jennifer’s family for some ice cream. The kids had a great time, of course, and we stayed until it was late enough for the place to look like they were closing. We had to pack up for our drive back, and the Zhang’s had another lesson in them for Friday. We said goodbye and goodnight, then headed back to get the kids ready for bed, and for us ready for the drive out.
We were up and out of the room by 8 am. We made one stop for potty and gas before we got to my mom’s. Dave changed the tires, while I had Peyton sell cookies in my mom’s cul de sac areas. It was super easy, as she didn’t have to cross any streets, and we got about 12 boxes sold in less than 1 hour! We had breakfast for three of us and lunch for Dave at my mom’s before heading to my dad’s office to collect cookie money and sell a few more boxes. We made it back home around 4 ish, factoring in a trip to the trophy company for an error that was made on the nameplates. We had a quick dinner, then we were off to Peyton’s practice, the main reason for the return on Friday. She had practice for an hour, then we got hot grass jelly, Dave’s newest addiction. We got them to bed in preparation for a long day today.

Here are the pictures…

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She said she wasn’t tired.  She said she’d slept from the mountain to my mom’s. Until this. 

I spotted their faces right away in a sea of kids. Total sucker bet but how else would I get a photo with this high quality. Mine were all dark because of the weather conditions.  Just take my money.  I told them how much it was per picture. Brandon said “That’s not worth it!”  I joked that they should be paying ME to take the picture off their hands. 

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