Week off Shananigans

Monday I had an appointment to renew my license at the DMV. Peyton wanted to go there to see sloths. I told her there were no sloths, but we did have to wait. And then the computer shut down while in the middle of the transaction. We went to lunch in PA after trying to look for a visor I left at the restaurant after camp. We then went home for Mommy school, which was reading and math. That afternoon, Peyton had softball practice.

Tuesday, we went to the grocery store and made Stroganoff, per Peyton’s request. Brandon bought ingredients for meatloaf. We walked to the middle school to run some running drills:

  Dave went to basketball that day, so we had a mellow evening.

Wednesday, we had a softball game, so Mommy school happened in the day, while Dave came home in time to carpool down to the game. Pre-game warm up:

It was a game against a tough team, while we were bringing the younger team plus Peyton. She had a great shot to center field, but she listened to her third base coach (the same one that touched her and got her out in FC)…
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The third base coach said she hesitated at second, but I don’t think that was the case.

She had a few nice plays at short stop, leading to outs at first, and one pop fly at short stop. She pitched two innings out of 5, the first and the last. She held her own on the mound against the other team. In the end, the score was a lot, to too little, but it was a scrimmage, albeit, in full uniform. This team has a lot more work, and we’re looking at other teams to push her.

Thursday, we have piano at her usually scheduled time. We put together some thank you treats for the coaches for the team party later on, but we needed to walk to get some more bags of sunflower seeds. Both kids are happy about their fitbits, so they willingly walked to the store with me. Peyton finished up, and then we headed to piano. (She didn’t wake up until 10 am, after having stayed up until 10 pm last night).

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