Errands, Sadness, Democracy

Today, I told Peyton that we were going to do some errands after school. We went to go order some bundtinis for a baby shower. Peyton loves going there (both kids really) because they know they will get a sample. After I ordered, I let Peyton sample the bundtini. She enjoyed the lemon bite. We were leaving the store when Peyton said, “Where are we going now?” I told her home. Then she said, “Why are we going home, but you said we were going to do errands.” I told her we did do our errands. Then she said, “But then you should have said ERRAND, not errands.” Smart a**.

Yesterday, after both kids came down after their naps, I went up to Brandon to kiss him on the forehead. I told him he was my first baby, and started gooing at him, the way that he used to goo at me. When I turned to look at Peyton, she had tears in her eyes and looked so sad. I went over to her, and she was trying to hide her tears, holding them in. ED is not only a psychological problem – Many experts believe that NSAIDs may protect levitra sales some men against erectile dysfunction. Today, if the dedicated marksman, the serious hunter or the seasoned shooter wishes mastercard generic viagra to purchase a pair of binoculars and weigh the pros and cons of an array of similar optical instruments, he’d be amazed to find the kind of features that is in the offing. Man working in a factory must adopt a safety measures they must stir away from the work & after getting at home they should make practice of the drugs of levitra samples, levitra & levitra samples openly. By using order viagra usa one can completely make sure that you don’t come early.* CondomsA common complaint most men have about condoms is the decreased sensation during sex. I told her she was my second baby, but I don’t think that helped her at all. Today, while we were doing our errand, she said, “Remember when I cried, when you told Brandon he was your baby?” I said, “Yes,” and then she said, “But Brandon wasn’t in your tummy before.” I told her he was in my tummy first, and then it was her turn in there.
Dave bought a bunch of pins to trade. He got them on the cheap – 50 in all. We had a draft to see which pins the kids wanted. The draft started with the first person getting one pick, while the second got two picks, then back to one and one. Both kids wanted second pick, so then we flipped a coin. Peyton won the toss, so Brandon selected first. They are taking turns one by one, and so far, no screaming or crying. They have 45 more to go. Let’s see how long it lasts.

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